TPACK LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Your Name: Lizbeth Suarez Subject / Course: science Topic: Water Cycle Lesson Title: Water Cycle Representation Level: 4th grade Lesson Duration: 1 ½ hrs. (should be no longer than 2 hours) TEKS and ISTE Standard(s) & Learning Objective(s): TEKS: §112.15, b, 3, (B): The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions.


8 Aug 2018 tionnaire that covered the four components of TPACK, as well as lesson plans designed and implemented by the student teachers. Descriptive 

Students will be able to produce and publish their writing using an online story maker. tpack lesson plan. Name: Amber Wilson. CSU-Global Course: OTL 545 - Technology and Innovation. Subject/Course: Topic: Lesson Title: Level: English Language Arts / English 4, Honors. Edgar Allen Poe + Historical Critical Theory. Applying Historical Critical Theory to Poe’s Murders in the Rue Morgue.

Tpack lesson plan

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Teach With Movies - Lesson Plans in History, English, Science for High School, Need an activity Teaching Geography Through Games Undervisning Sociala Studier, Lära Ut Historia, Kort, Geografi, TPACK lesson using Skype. Planschen innehåller klickbara länkar där du får tips och knep för hur du kan utveckla dina Lesson 4: Taking the Despair out of your Screen Share · Lesson 5:  favourite lesson plans, and demo how I use technology to support both instruction and assessment. If you haven't heard about the SAMR and TPACK models,  my passion is teaching someone to read Check out this post for a quick walkthrough of how to use it and a ton of ideas for getting TPACK in 3 Minutes. Developing primary teachers' TPACK through Digital Didactic Design From lesson plan to new comprehension: Exploring student teachers' pedagogical  Teach With Movies - Lesson Plans in History, English, Science for High School,. Lära Ut Historia Sea Themed Yoga!

Name and Grade Level: Title: Common Core/Essential Standard - Content: Pedagogy: Assessment Plan: Check off which apply/notes on how 1. Choose learning goals.

While creating this TPACK lesson plan, I realized just how much goes into creating and teaching a good 21 st century lesson plan. I have always tried to incorporate technology in my lesson plans as often as possible. However, I did not realize how much more I could be doing with technology. Instead of supplementing my lessons with technology, I

Interactive TPACK lesson using Skype. This activity  People also love these ideas Equations, Learning. Vocabulary.

Tpack lesson plan

The following lesson plan was created for my EDU 673 class. Our specific assignment was to design a lesson plan that incorporates the elements of CCSS, TPACK, NETS-T standards and a focus on specific technology that will assist a differentiated classroom in meeting their goals.

Materials: Provide a list of materials needed for the lesson to include hyperlinks to any internet sites or books citations. Summative Assessment: This should be a two- to three-sentence summary of how you will assess the lesson. Your lesson plan must address each section of the TPACK using the provided lesson plan template (see sample here): Summative Assessment: This should be a two- to three-sentence summary of how you will assess the lesson.

Tpack lesson plan

We were also asked to consider the TPACK aspects of content, pedagogy, and technology, and how these aspects would be integrated into our lesson plan. One of the assignments during EDU 210 course was to create our lesson plan using TPACK Model. This lesson plan incorporates content, pedagogical and technological knowledge and allow all those components to flow together for the advantage and benefit of the students and teacher. 2017-07-11 · TPACK? All ICT integrated lesson required three basic forms of knowledge (content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and technological knowledge).
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Tpack lesson plan

CSU-Global Course: OTL 545 This lesson serves to teach the students historical criticism and how to apply that lens to a TPACK Lesson Plan – Singing with Solfege Your Name: Trinity Ridout Grade Level/Ensemble: 1 st or 2 nd grade Elementary General Music Materials Needed for Lesson: Projector, laptop, class-set of laptops/iPads or staff paper, Composition PowerPoint (Attached) Time: 20 minutes Student Learning Outcome (Objectives) 1. TPACK Lesson Plan: Math By: Kaitlyn Heil Objectives Introduction Example 1 Topic: Working With Addition Equations Grade Level: First The learners will demonstrate the ability to calculate the unknown number in an addition sentence. Given a worksheet with 10 equations, students While creating this TPACK lesson plan, I realized just how much goes into creating and teaching a good 21 st century lesson plan. I have always tried to incorporate technology in my lesson plans as often as possible. However, I did not realize how much more I could be doing with technology.

We identified the main objects and standards for the lesson. We identified the key materials and This lesson meets all needs of the TPACK framework. It introduces or expands upon technology and terminology needed to be successful in a 21 st century environment such as communication and teamwork, public speaking, use of multimedia presentations and use of technology.
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technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) of a group of inservice final revisions the lesson plans and all of its revisions are permanently 

Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) has been and includes a pre-planned sequence of lessons, with a detailed teaching plan of  The study contributes to the development of the TPACK framework, by supplementing the content knowledge (TPACK) through observations and lesson plans. Teach With Movies - Lesson Plans in History, English, Science for High School, Need an activity Teaching Geography Through Games Undervisning Sociala Studier, Lära Ut Historia, Kort, Geografi, TPACK lesson using Skype. Planschen innehåller klickbara länkar där du får tips och knep för hur du kan utveckla dina Lesson 4: Taking the Despair out of your Screen Share · Lesson 5:  favourite lesson plans, and demo how I use technology to support both instruction and assessment.

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Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge

Teacher Candidate: Hopson,Terian Lesson Title: Fluency- Phonics Course/Section/ Date ED 300/ April 27, 2018 Grade Level: Fourth grade Instructional Focus included in this lesson: Class/group____X_ small group_____ one-on-one_____ Learning … 2017-03-01 TPACK Lesson: Triangles Title: Triangles Subject Area: Math II – Geometry Grade Level: 9-12 Learning Objectives: Students will be able to identify triangles by their sides and angles. Students will be able to name vertices of a triangle, as well as name triangles by their vertices. Students were required to write a narrative story either imaginary or real with at least 4 descriptive details, all four parts of a story (beginning middle, This lesson plan was created to familiarize myself with the process of lesson planning and to thoughtfully consider how content, pedagogy and technology come together in TPACK learning activities. I have completed a reflection to document the decisions that were made in my lesson planning process, and to share this thinking with my peers. For one of our final assignments, we were asked to develop a lesson plan by integrating the TPACK framework. This framework highlights complex relationships between three forms of knowledge: pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, and technological knowledge. We gained experience working with the TPACK model in our previous assignments where we needed to identify and analyze… 2017-03-02 One of the assignments during EDU 210 course was to create our lesson plan using TPACK Model.